onsdag 14. mai 2008

cute as a button

I have thousands of buttons. Or maybe millions! And the collection is still growing! I will never get the chance to use half of them if I'll only use them for clothing and scrapbooking. I could sew and make more layouts, but it would be fun to try something new, wouldn't it?

Next project is a matching bracelet, which I have no idea how to make..

5 kommentarer:

Shannon sa...

Perhaps a wire knitted bracelet using the buttons here and there in place of beads...or a nice button for the closure? Will be interesting to see what you come up with!

Anonym sa...

How pretty! You could also crochet a bracelet, inserting buttons as you go or prethreading them!

Anonym sa...

Rålekre!!! Rett og slett :-)

khs sa...

Overraskelse til deg i bloggen min =)

Anonym sa...

Så fint!