I recently red in a local newspaper that we can look forward to 366 exciting days in 2008, one of the reasons for that is because UN desided this is the year of the potato! Yey! Wonder what Dr.Atkins would say about this enormous betrayal against "healthy" eating-habits. Coming back to my own eating-habits in a second...
It started out great. Elina looked adorable in her new, red Minnie Mouse dress, the dinner was a success,the tree was decorated, everyone was happy and looked forward to a great christmas...

Then it got even better! I haven't been som exited about a christmas gift since I was 11 (or so), and wouldn't even hope it could be a spinningwheel, even if the box was HUGE! I've been wanting a spinningwheel for quite some time now, and planned to buy a used one while we're on vacation in July. No need for that now..!

I had some trouble in the beginning, but over the next days I managed to make a little ball of yarn, my first one! The picture came out a little dark, but it's a dusty pink/brown/beige shade. The quality isn't much to brag about, but how much fun would it be to start out as an expert?

I even tried to dye som wool myself, using red and purple. I put white, beige/brown and grey wool in the pan before heating it, and got some different shades. But the sad part is that I'm not sure I'll use the wool at all, as it's better suited for felting than spinning. Maybe it can be used in a mixes yarn, with merino? I got my first merino tops today, and I have to say it was very different from the "ordinary" wool I had tried before. I'm pretty sure which quality I'll choose in the future!
I had big plans for the christmas when it came to quilting and exercise. But that was before I got hospitalized with a painful gallstone. It passed in a few days, but I didn't feel to good for days (for some odd reason, sleeping is your first priority when you're on strong painkillers)
I've started to quilt a spring/eastern/hexagon tablerunner which turns out pretty great, I think. But I'm getting even more delayed, as the sewing machine is full of batting, and needs to be cleaned. Hopefully I'll get around to that someday... Now I'm mostly into spinning, I want to learn this! Making my own yarn would be wonderful.