søndag 15. juni 2008


The second spin I talked about, completed a few days ago. It's a BFL roving which I've painted. I love to spin this fiber, it is so easy to "fluff up" and pre-draft. I don't know if I was lucky with this particular wool, or if BFL usually is this soft. I've heard someone mentioning it's not as soft as merino. I have som pretty cheap merino, and this is ten times softer than that. It's the only BFL I've ever owned, so I don't know. I think it's a bit more shiny than merino too.

A little about the yarn:
It's a 2-ply Z-twist, about 12-14 WPI. That would make it a a fingering weight? I don't know what to make of this, maybe a hat or a neckwarmer for Elina? Or maybe I'll swap it, it's to sad to stash a lot of yarn I have no idea what to do with. That doesn't mean I don't to it..

7 kommentarer:

Inger sa...

Så masse herlig garn! Og den frøkna di er jo bare til å spise opp :o)

Anonym sa...

For en herlig farge! Er fremdeles helt imponert :-) Og det grønne garnet, nydelig (og jeg som egentlig ikke liker grønt..) Jeg får bare super lyst til å farge garnet mitt når jeg ser alt du får til;-)
Men, hvor i alle dager får du fatt i fargen da?

Monika sa...

It is lovely yarn. I just made a Teddy Bear with my own handspun yarn. It's a 2-ply as well mostly 13 WPI. I used 3mm needles, and it worked out very well. Will post about it soon. I only had 170yds of it, and it's always the big question what to do with it. :o)

Siena sa...

fint garn du lager! jeg har lagt en utfordring til deg på bloggen min...

Anonym sa...

Garnet du har laget er helt nydelig! Kanskje du vil swappe med meg alikevel!!!???

god weekend!
~Emily xx

LissM sa...

Hei:) Jeg har gitt deg en "cicle of friends award"
Se i bloggen min for detaljer:)

Ha en kjempe flott helg:)

Supernøtt sa...

Dette ble flott, herlig fargekombinasjon :-)