Not much to blog about these days, I'm working almost full-time, and enjoying the great weather! Two things which is often hard to combine, I've realized...
Other than that, I'm making christmas presents. That is a really fun thing to do when there's so many small children in the family! I've completed one, and have started on the second one, which will be done in a day or two.
A little early to start thinking about christmas, you might think?
Not at all... Last year we bought most of the presents while we were away for the summer, and it was SO great to relax, bake and enjoy Desember, instead of stressing through stores to find presents. I'm hoping to make a couple of things every month, so far I think I'll make 6.
1 kommentar:
Jeg er så enig med deg:) bare å få det gjort... det er nok å gjøre ellers i desember...
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