My mother also sew some clothing for me while growing up, mostly to costume parties. It was natural for all of the kids in the neighbourhood to dress up in homemade garments for costumeparties and schoolplay,but it didn't mean we liked it!
I remember once I played a munk, wearing a brown stretch sheet for a rope.. Not my proudest moment. And the play was taped!

I was also lucky enough to be dressed up as one og the Beagle Boys from Donald Duck with a flower patterned hat made from a kitchen curtain or tablecloth. I think I was about seven, and one of the older boys made fun of me!
Now that I'm grown up, it's just cute ;)
Then the question; did you wear homemade clothes while growing up, and how did you feel about it? And do you still sew clothes for your own children, or would like to?
4 kommentarer:
my mother always made matching clothes for my sister and myself when we were young but I can remember wanting a pair of proper denim dungarees when I was a teenager and hating the pair that she made for me.
Mamma strikket mye til meg når jeg var liten, men hun sydde ikke klær, det tror jeg ikke hun kan. Hun sydde karnevals-tilbehør, da! Og jeg husker at noen ganger var jeg flau over å ha på meg hjemmelagde ting, men for det meste tenkte jeg ikke over det. Nå når jeg er voksen, er jeg stolt over å ha en mamma som lagde ting til meg! :-)
Kikket på resten av bloggen din _etter_ å ha skrevet kommentar, smart som jeg er :P så her får du enda en! Så mye fint du har lagd! Og den lille er et ordentlig sjarmtroll! Ha en flott helg :-)
My mother made all my clothes, even throughout high school. I loved knowing that no other girl in school was ever going to have the same blouse/skirt/pants as me! It made me spirited enough to want to be a little different. I sewed for myself for a number of years, and I also made clothes for my boys when they were toddlers. My time is now spent making quilts and selling longarm quilting machines, but I occasionally make myself something artsy to wear.
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