Finally! God, this was boring to bind off! But I was so eager to get it done, so it didn't take more than a few hours.. It turned out bigger than I expected, and it was surpricingly easy to block. Normally I almost hate blocking shawls, as they never turn out how I want them to. Maybe it's the yarn?
The yarn is Evilla artyarn 8/2, color A-70. A greasy, "natural" yarn to knit, I had to pick out some hay, but I've seen worse. Noro, that would be.
The shawl is 180 grams, knit on needles 5 mm, it's 2 meters long and 80 cm wide. A perfect size! I think I knit the pattern a few more times than suggested. Lovely and easy pattern to knit, I would do it again! But on the other hand, it was an UFO for several months, I've been to busy knitting childrens garments. I actually used nearly 6 months to get it done!
7 kommentarer:
Flotte fargar.
Og dei øyredobbane med knappar nede på sida var utruleg stilige.
It's lovely! And your new one looks good, too, so let's hope for lots of chilly summer evenings to sit outside watchig the stars or something..
Tora :-)
Sjalet var rett og slett nyydelig! Godt at du fikk gjort det ferdig.
Sjalet vart kjempeflott.Mamma.
It turned out really great! I'm knitting with Evilla right now, different color, same store I've got it from. I love it!
I've knit the Flower Basket shawl with my first handspun yarn. I didn't like the stitch pattern, drove me crazy, but the shawl looked nice enough. I don't like blocking shawls either, but it has to be done. The new shawl looks very interesting too. Looking forward to see it done.
nnnyyyyyyyyyydelig:) vil ha et sånt:) stakkars deg vesst du sku ha strekka alt d e vil ha:) sku jo ha lært m d her... klæm:)
Ja her var det mye inspirasjon å hente :-) FBS'en din ble kjempefin. Gleder meg til å se resultatet på October Nursing Shawl'et ditt etterhvert, også. Ha en fin søndag.
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