torsdag 29. mai 2008
mmmm... strawberries!
mandag 26. mai 2008
Yarn: Noro Silk Garden, color 224. I used 200 grams.
Needles: 5 mm, circular and double points.
søndag 25. mai 2008
It goes like this:
-Pick up the nearest book
-Open on page 123
-Find the fifth sentence
-Post the next three sentences
-Tag five people, and acknowledge who tagged you.
Ok, here is the nearest book. It's got 26 pages...
From page 123:
"Jeg sa at det var sånn han svarte for å erte meg da vi var barn; han tedde seg som en utlært advokat allerede den gangen. Jeg så at Helen holdt øye med oss. Hun hadde perler i ørene - de så ut som små voksdråper, jeg husker at hun hadde dem på en gang i gamle dager, og at jeg så for meg at de smeltet i varmen fra huden hennes. "
I pass the challenge on to Liss, Merete, Dolci, Muffin and Beate
fredag 23. mai 2008
Isn't the colors just shockingly different from the last shawl I made?
torsdag 22. mai 2008
Finally! God, this was boring to bind off! But I was so eager to get it done, so it didn't take more than a few hours.. It turned out bigger than I expected, and it was surpricingly easy to block. Normally I almost hate blocking shawls, as they never turn out how I want them to. Maybe it's the yarn?
The yarn is Evilla artyarn 8/2, color A-70. A greasy, "natural" yarn to knit, I had to pick out some hay, but I've seen worse. Noro, that would be.
The shawl is 180 grams, knit on needles 5 mm, it's 2 meters long and 80 cm wide. A perfect size! I think I knit the pattern a few more times than suggested. Lovely and easy pattern to knit, I would do it again! But on the other hand, it was an UFO for several months, I've been to busy knitting childrens garments. I actually used nearly 6 months to get it done!
tirsdag 20. mai 2008
nearly done
onsdag 14. mai 2008
cute as a button
I have thousands of buttons. Or maybe millions! And the collection is still growing! I will never get the chance to use half of them if I'll only use them for clothing and scrapbooking. I could sew and make more layouts, but it would be fun to try something new, wouldn't it?
Next project is a matching bracelet, which I have no idea how to make..
lørdag 10. mai 2008
a trip down memory lane
Oh, now I remember why I uploaded the pics.. The knitwear! Isn't it cute? A midwife at the hospital "begged" to put it on Elina, and afterwards she had to run around the whole floor to show them the "little doll". Proud parents? Nooo.. ;)
Again, the knitwear... It's made by my mother. It's pure wool, and we used it until the weather got to hot. It was really simple to put on and take off, as the pants have buttons all the way. I can't believe it's been this long! What a year!
two blocks and a layout
My baby girl has also been hospitalized, but after running a great number of tests; there's nothing wrong with her! Now that is a reason for celebrating, we've been worried for a while now.
About the blocks then! They one in the back is made by Limola, and the one in the front is made by Hobbyvenn. I love them! I've got exactly the blocks I wished for; red and white but no christmas motif. Yey! The quilt isn't taking shape, but soon I'll have all the blocks and can start to plan it a little. Luckily I have a spare wall ;)
I'm planning some more layouts, I've even sketched them! It's fun, but I feel like a beginner. If it's something I really can't handle, it has to be the feeling of making something I'm not 100% satisfied with!
tirsdag 6. mai 2008
hello lovvah!
My old camera is nothing but trouble, and Fuji desided I could get a new one.. But I didn't want a new Finepix, I think I might have the posibility to grow as a photographer, and I've "outgrown" my little compact. So, this is the next step. It's got tons of tiny buttons I can't wait to push! The only problem is that the store sent the wrong memory card, so I have to wait a week or so. I'm not sure if I can do that! ;)
lørdag 3. mai 2008
tiny, warm and colorful
fredag 2. mai 2008
I'm not exactly the first person to do this. Here, here, and here, are some other domino blankets! Yum!